God is good all the time, and God has been especially good to Hope Africa University (HAU) in this time of pandemic.  We have had no reported cases of Covid-19 among our students (only one on the faculty). Our students have continued diligently with their studies, the new agricultural program was launched, and we are scheduled to graduate a new group of doctors, teachers, ministers, and other professionals in February 2022.  Praise God.

While the Covid-19 virus has not greatly impacted the University’s work, it has significantly impacted families’ ability to support their young people pursuing study at HAU.  In one of the poorest countries in Africa, even in good times, finding the financial resources to attend college can be daunting, now add Covid.  Concern about how they will pay college tuition and fees worries and distracts students from their studies; some despair and think of giving up.  So, today, our HAU students are even more in need of scholarship support.  

I am sending this special appeal letter because I know you care. You have shown this through your generous support in the past, and I am hoping you might help out again.   I invite you to make a midyear gift to support a deserving student at HAU.  Your dollars go a long way in Burundi.

                A $50 (US) donation pays a student’s fees for a year

               A $200 donation will pay for living accommodations for one term

               A $1500 gift provides tuition for one year for an undergraduate program

               A $2,000 gift provides annual tuition for a nursing student or starting medical student

               A $3500 gift pays tuition for a third year medical student

Even while we are undergoing our own economic recovery in the U.S., I hope you can find ways to continue support for one or more smart, determined, but financially struggling students at HAU.  In the U.S. for years we have heard the advertisement, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”  That’s as true for Burundi as it is anywhere.  

Please use the online donation process on our website (www.haufriends.org) or mail your donation to: Friends of Hope Africa University, c/o Free Methodist Foundation, 8050 Spring Arbor Road, P.O. Box 580, Spring Arbor, Michigan 99283.

I thank you again for our past generosity and I rejoice with you in God’s bounty.

Continue to pray with and for HAU and FHAU.

Yours in Christ,

Betty J. Overton

Betty J. Overton

Board President, Friends of Hope Africa University


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