HAU Chaplains Receive Training Via Butterfield Foundation

As reported by the Chaplains Association of the Free Methodist Church...

In mid-February 2023, Tim and Patricia Porter, along with Rev. Dr. Colin and Barbara Meneely from Belfast, Ireland, and Rev. Dr. Anthony Headley, a retired professor from Asbury Theological Seminary, went to Burundi, Africa, to train chaplains at Hope Africa University in partnership with the Butterfield Memorial Foundation. There were 19 chaplains/chaplain candidates/pastors from three countries and four hospitals: Van Norman Clinic and Kibuye Hope Hospital (Burundi), Nundu Deaconess Hospital (DR Congo), and Kibogora Hospital (Rwanda), as well as chaplains from HAU and other institutes. Two of the chaplains were also FM Superintendents in their districts. Participants report that it was an amazing time of training, collaboration, and fellowship. We pray that more of our U.S. chaplains can take their education, advanced certifications, and chaplaincy experiences to engage in future cross-cultural mission training trips.


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